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Diálogos por un Consumo Sostenible

With the aim of increasing public awareness and knowledge in matters of responsibility and sustainability, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs launched three cycles of conferences on Healthy, Sustainable, and Responsible Consumption.
Parafina Comunicación was the awarded company responsible for the graphic design and stage design of each of the seminars, production, technical coordination, and the creation of web site, coordinación así como difusión de seminarios en streeming y la coordinación y contratación de los diferentes actores implicados.

At Parafina, we created and implemented the logo, naming, stage design, decoration, and website for the 'Diálogos por un Consumo Sostenible' (Dialogues for Sustainable Consumption) cycle, where each of the seminars revolved around a different theme under the same overarching concept.

  • Location: Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Madrid)
  • Date: Octubre y Noviembre de 2022
  • Assembly: 1 day